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Multi-table relational database setup - tutorial description

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Most tutorials show how to view and edit results from, or add records to databases using the asp.net controls that come with Expression Web or Visual Studio / VWD Express. Their examples generally use a single table database, for which the asp.net contorols automaticlly generate the needed queries for inserting, deleting, and updating records.

In many situations however, developers are faced with the problem of using a multi-table relational database, in which data for the queries come from more than a single table, and the asp.net controls will not automatically generate insert, update, and delete queries from a View containing more than one table.  This tutorial will show how to use a properly configured three-table relational database, and how to make the queries required in order to use the asp.net controls to allow users to add, edit, update, and delete records.

bullet You will learn how to set up a three-table relational database in a way that the data is "normalized", so that when data has to be entered or modified, it has to be done only once, in one table, so that all tables depending on that data are automatically updated.
bullet You will learn how to create a Database Diagram and set up the one-to-many relationships, the relations between tables, and the primary key / foreign key contstraints to insure data integrity.
bullet You will learn how to enter some test data using the Database Explorer of Visual Web Developer Express.
bullet You will learn how to configure a  multi-table View (Query) to allow displaying data from multiple tables in a Gridview
bullet You will learn how to create insert, update, and delete queries in order to allow subsquent modification of the data using contols such as the gridivew and formview controls.
bullet You will learn how to set up dropdown lists in conjunction with the formview controls to allow adding records to your three-table database.


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