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Linking multiple images to gridview selection - tutorial description

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In many situations a number of database records are displayed in a gridview, and each record needs to lead to more detailed information concerning that particular record. And example would be a database of items for sale where a link from each gridview record would lead to a page with further descriptions of the item in that record.

The example for the tutorial will be a database of items for sale, where each record in the gridview links to  multiple pictures of the item selected.

Bullet You will learn how, using just two pages, to display pictures of a large number of different for-sale items, where the pictures displayed depend on the item selected from a gridview list of items, and where the pictures themselves reside in their own folder (as opposed to residing in the database itself).
Bullet You will learn how the picture names need to be formatted to accomplish the above
Bullet You will learn how to set up hyperlinks in the gridview records that pass information about the selected item to the picture display page, and how to set up the pictures page to display the images related to the item selected.
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