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Viewing profile data in a sortable gridview - tutorial description

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The asp.net membership framework has a very useful Profiles feature. It is very handy for storing information about a user such as Name, Address, Phone, DatePaid etc. -- information that is often desired when someone signs up on a membership website, but which is not required as part of the membership signup process. Only Username and email are generally required.

While it is very easy to record such information using the Profile feature, and easy to access the Profile information of a single user, Profile data is not readily available for all users in a sortable fashion as, for example, in a gridview. This tutorial will show how to access Profile data for all users in a sortable gridview.

bullet You will learn how to easily store user Profile data using VB code
bullet You will learn how to access Profile data and display it along with other membership data such as username and email in a single gridview.
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