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Port SQL Express database to your host's SQL Server - tutorials description

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One of the biggest frustrations for web developers who have created a membership based website using the asp.net controls, is figuring out how to port the SQL Express membership database with all its tables and relationships to the SQL server of their web hosting company.

The process varies from host-to-host. Connection strings vary, and getting help is sporadic. This tutorial will be directed specifically to the step-by-step of setting up your site with our favored hosting company Arvixe although you could probably use the information with other hosting companies.

PLEASE NOTE:  We no longer recommend Arvixe as a web host

We have left this tutorial in place simply as a learning tool. We ourselves no longer use Arvixe.

Bullet You will learn the difference between your local and your hosts connection string. Specifically for Arvixe.
Bullet You will be introduced to SQL Server Management Studio and learn how to use it to connect to the online SQL Server at your host. Specifically for Arvixe
Bullet You will learn how to generate a script file from your local database.
Bullet You will learn how to create a database at Arvixe.
Bullet You will use SQL Server  Managment studio to run the script to setup your Arvixe database.
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