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Submitting input from a form to a database table

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In FrontPage, you had the ability to make an html form, Right-Click on it, and invoke a Wizard that would allow you to create a database and send the form data to a database table. While you can do the same in Expression, the html forms are notoriously vulnerable to spam robots, and a far better solution is to use ASP.NET forms to send data to a database, since the form validation controls can be used creatively to prevent robot access.

This tutorial provides the step-by-step process to send your data to a database table using the ASP.NET controls. As in all the tutorials on this website, we will use a SQLExpress database.

If you did not do the first free tutorial on this site (The Introduction to VWD Express), then look at it now, and follow along the instructions to open VWD Express and  create a new asp.net website with the name MyTutorialsWebsite. Also create a database with the name MyTutorialsDatabase.mdf in the App_Data folder Then, with that website open in VWD, proceed with this tutorial.

If you already have and are familiar with VWD, then go ahead and create your MyTutorialsWebsite asp.net website containing MyTutorialsDatabase.mdf in the App_Data folder.

bulletCreate the table that will be receiving the data from your form

First, you need to create the database table which will be receiving the form input.

In the Database Explorer, right click on Tables, select Add New Table, which will cause the design view of your new table to open in a new tab. Fill in the following fields for the table (be sure to create all these fields as some will be used in later tutorials):

"FName" of type: "NVarChar(50)" (creates a field that accepts up to 50 text characters)

"LName" of type "NVarChar(50)"

"Phone" of type "NVarChar(50)"

"Email" of type "NVarChar(50)"

"Payment" of type "Money"

"DatePaid" of type "Date"

"Website" of type "NVarChar(50)"

"ID" of type "Integer", and in the lower window scroll down to the Identity Specification section, click the little +, and set (Is Identity) to yes.

Then highlight the ID row, and click the little gold key icon up in the top menu to set ID as the primary key for the table. Click the save icon and name the table "FormInputTable". 

When you are done, the table design should look similar to this:

table design

bulletPut some data in the table to make sure it works

Now, in the Database Explorer, right click on the FormInputTable and select Show Table Data. Fill in a few records (use the TAB key to move along) so that the table has some data in it. When you get to the date column add dates using formats like 5/8/2012 or 10/31/12.

For the Payment, just use numbers like 578 or 3000, not any $ signs or commas.

For the website enter terms like www.somesite.com (do not include the "http://" in the site address).. The reason for this is that we will be using such addressess in a later tutorial. If you were setting up a page for a user to enter data, you would need to add instructions on the exact format you wanted used.

Do not try to input the ID numbers, those are automatically added by the database.

If you run into trouble due to entering data in the wrong format, the Escape key will back you out of trouble. Enter a few records (keep using the tab key to move along) to make sure your table works.

When you are done, your table should look something like (your ID numbers may be different):

table data

Now we are ready to make a webpage where we can submit data from a form into this database.

bulletMake a webpage to input records to the FormInputTable

1. In the Solution Explorer pane, right-click on your website name (at the very top), click Add New Item, highlight Web Form, highlight Visual Basic as the code choice at the upper left, check the box at lower right to Place Code in Separate File, change the Default name offered to SubmitForm.aspx, and click the Add button. This should open your new blank page in a new tab.

2. Now drag a FormView control onto the page from the data section of the toolbox (if the toolbox is not showing, you can find it in the View menu). With the Formview highlighted, in the  Properties pane, change the ID from FormView1 to something sensible like FVInputForm

3. Important step: In the properties pane for the FormView, go to DefaultMode and from the dropdown list, change "ReadOnly" to "Insert" which causes the FormView to automatically use the InsertItemTemplate

4. Click on the expander arrow at top right of the control and select  "new data source" from the Choose Data Source window, click on the SQL database icon, and name  the new sqldatasource "SDSFormInput"

5. For a connection string, select  MyTutorialsDatabase.mdf, save the connection string with the name MyTutorialsDatabaseConnectionString, and click Next

6. In the "Specify columns from a table or view" section you should see the fields from your table. Check all the boxes: Fname, Lname, Email, DatePaid, Payment, ID, and Website.  Click the Order By button and order by LName, then by FName, click OK. Click the Advanced button and check the box to Generate Insert Update and Delete Statements.

Click OK, Next, and Finish

You are done. Save, and preview the file in Browser. When you enter data into the fields and hit insert, new records will be entered into your database table. Go back to your Database Explorer, right click on the table and select Show Table Data to see the new record. You may have to click the little red exclamation point icon to update the query to show the latest additions. When you do this, the new record should show in the database table.

bulletLeave some records in the table

Using your browser, add a few records before leaving this tutorial. Make sure to have at least one record for John Smith. We will look for that in a later tutorial.

If you have a GridView on another page set up to view the database records, you will see the new record showing up there. To see how to set up such a GridView display of database results, see this tutorial  .

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